Get our detailed analysis and review of CMS data for ENIRIQUE SERRANO.

Data is as of March 07, 2024.

  The Most Important Data about ENIRIQUE SERRANO

In the briefest summary, ENIRIQUE SERRANO is a specialist in NEUROLOGY. No other specialties were noted. ENIRIQUE SERRANO attended OTHER, graduating in 1998. He maintains 1 office locations. He is a part of 1 medical group. He is affiliated with 1 medical organization (including hospitals, hospices, and skilled nursing facilities).

National Provider Number (NPI):


   What is this page all about?

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services ("CMS") compiles and distributes more than 17 tables of data on medical professionals on a sporadic basis. Some of the tables contain more than a million records which makes it very difficult to manage them. There is a lot of information to pour through when trying to understand ENIRIQUE SERRANO. Luckily, we are here to help! We’ve put together this page to help you to get a better idea of what the ENIRIQUE SERRANO does, their affiliations and much more. (If you want to jump to a specific section of the review, here are the section headers: Specialities, Ratings, Office Locations, Affiliations, and Other Doctors.

   Specialties and Sub-Specialties:

ENIRIQUE SERRANO is a specialist in NEUROLOGY. No other specialties were noted.

NEUROLOGY: Neurologists are brain and nerve doctors. They often treat migraine headaches, strokes, seizures and chronic nervous system conditions, such as Parkinson’s disease and Multiple Sclerosis. (more information)

   Reviews and Ratings


MIPS is an acronym for Merit-Based Incentive Payment System. Authorized by the Medicare Access and CHIP Reaouthorization Act of 2015, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services ("CMS") developed MIPS to reward clinicians for the value of care they provide rather than the volume of care, quality over quantity. The MIPS final score determines a provider's Medicare Part B payment adjustments. MIPS also created a means for consumers to rank providers.

MIPS scores are calculated using four performance categories, quality, cost, improvement activities, and promotion of interoperability. Higher scores are better. The highest final MIPS score is 100.

Final MIPS Score 95.5
Final MIPS Score without CPB 89.3
PI Category Score 83
IA Category Score 40
Quality Category Score 89.9

Measures and Activities

These are important measures that CMS tracks for each doctor. Not all doctors or medical professionals have data.

There is no measure or activity data for ENIRIQUE SERRANO.

   Office Locations and Phone Numbers for ENIRIQUE SERRANO

The NursingHomeDatabase database has 1 office location for ENIRIQUE SERRANO.

1150 NW 14TH ST
MIAMI, FL 33136

   Group and Medical Organization Affiliations for ENIRIQUE SERRANO

Doctors Groups:


Medical Organizations:


   Other Doctors in the Area Specializing in NEUROLOGY that are similar to ENIRIQUE SERRANO

Sometimes the doctor you see isn't a good fit or you want to get a second opinions. This is a list of nearby doctors with the same specialization as ENIRIQUE SERRANO.